Formerly Dr Webster & Partners

Contact us

To contact the Practice please do so either by phone, in person, or in writing to: Dr Rasul and Thompson, Woodside Health & Care Centre, 891 Garscube Road  Glasgow G20 7ER or by phone on 0141 201 5545 please select option 5 – this will connect you to the Results and Enquires line (between 9:00am and 10:00am and 1:30pm to 4:00pm, Monday to Friday (except weekends and public holidays). Appointment lines open at 8am please select option 2 to arrange your appointment.

Please note that after 4:00pm the Practice only accepts phone calls for medical emergencies – routine enquiries and appointments cannot be made after this time. If you have a medical emergency before 6pm during weekdays , (except public holidays) please press Option 1 once connected to the auto-attendant.

The Practice can only call patients who hold a UK land line or UK mobile number, we are unable to return or make calls to non-uk numbers.


Please be aware that our staff are bound to the NHS code of confidentiality. Our staff are therefore not permitted to discuss any of our patient’s medical history, this includes their registration status, without their written consent to do so.

Once we have received their written consent and verified this with the patient, then we can provide you with this information, this includes complaining on behalf of a patient, but excludes patients who are unable to act on their own behalf and already have a designated person or carer responsible for their medical care.

We therefore respectfully ask parents, relatives, and guardians not to request information regarding their relatives/friends or to complain on their behalf unless we have their written consent to do so. If consent is required we advise that the person concerned attends the Practice to complete the required form.