Main number | 0141 201 5545 |
Out of Hours | 111 |
Community Health Services
Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service | 0141 800 0670 |
Children’s Services (CAMHS) | 0141 201 5640 |
Children’s Services (Paediatric Team) | 0141 201 5665 |
District Nursing Service | 0141 355 2180 |
Health Visiting | 0141 201 5500 |
MSK Physiotherapy – Central Referral (to change appointments) | 0141 347 8909 |
Podiatry | 0141 201 5630 |
Podiatry – Central Referral Centre | 0141 347 8909 |
Sphere (Physiotherapy Service) | 0141 800 0710 |
Treatment Room Appointments | 0141 201 5500 |
Woodside Dental Practice | 0141 332 0793 |
Youth Health Service | 0141 451 2727 |
Woodside Day Care Centre 20 Hinshaw Street Glasgow G20 7DW | 0141 483 7015 |
Other Local Health Centres
Maryhill | 0141 451 2600 |
Springburn | 0141 531 6700 |
Townhead | 0141 242 9799 |
Local Hospitals
Gartnaval General | 0141 201 3000 |
Glasgow Royal Infirmary | 0141 211 4000 |
Queen Elizabeth University | 0141 201 1100 |
Stobhill Hospital | 0141 201 3000 |