Formerly Dr Webster & Partners

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Contact Telephone Numbers


Main number0141 201 5545
Out of Hours 111

Community Health Services

Alcohol and Drug Recovery Service0141 800 0670
Children’s Services (CAMHS)0141 201 5640
Children’s Services (Paediatric Team)0141 201 5665
District Nursing Service0141 355  2180
Health Visiting 0141 201 5500
MSK Physiotherapy – Central Referral
(to change appointments)
0141 347 8909
Podiatry0141 201 5630
Podiatry – Central Referral Centre0141 347 8909
Sphere (Physiotherapy Service)0141 800 0710
Treatment Room Appointments0141 201 5500
Woodside Dental Practice0141 332 0793
Youth Health Service0141 451 2727
Woodside Day Care Centre
20 Hinshaw Street
Glasgow G20 7DW
0141 483 7015

Other Local Health Centres

Maryhill0141 451 2600
Springburn0141 531 6700
Townhead0141 242 9799

Local Hospitals

Gartnaval General0141 201 3000
Glasgow Royal Infirmary0141 211 4000
Queen Elizabeth University0141 201 1100
Stobhill Hospital0141 201 3000